Women's Gastrointestinal Medicine
Women's Medicine Collaborative

Women's Endoscopy and Colonoscopy

Our center offers endoscopy and colorectal cancer screenings.

Our all-woman staff provides a level of comfort, calm and privacy to our patients, as well as unparalleled expertise and experience. Intimate procedures such as colorectal cancer screening and prevention, or upper endoscopy, are conducted with privacy and dignity, setting our patients at ease and allowing them to focus on their health.

We are uniquely skilled in performing colonoscopies. Our precancerous polyp detection rate and removal is far greater than the national average.

Service Locations

We perform upper endoscopies and colonoscopies at the following locations:

Rhode Island Hospital

Main Building/Zecchino Pavilion

9th Floor Endoscopy Unit

Map and directions

The Miriam Hospital

Main Building

1st Floor Endoscopy Unit

Map and directions

Contact Us

For more information, please call us at 401-793-7080.

Through our direct access colorectal cancer screening program, women can be scheduled promptly for their endoscopy and/or colonoscopy with a simple referral from their primary care provider or gynecologist. Please have your health care provider fax a referral to 401-793-7988.