Verrecchia Clinic for Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Verrecchia Clinic for Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Bradley Hospital offers a unique and comprehensive outpatient program for children, adolescents, and young adults (ages 7 to 18, or 22 if the individual remains in a public-school setting) with developmental conditions, such as autism spectrum disorder or intellectual disability, and behavioral or emotional challenges.

About the Verrecchia Clinic

The Verrecchia Clinic for Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities provides outpatient services, including individual, family, and group therapies, psychiatric evaluation, and medication management. Clinical staff includes psychologists, social workers, and psychiatrists. To receive psychiatric care, the child or adolescent must actively participate in individual or family therapy through the clinic.

An adult and child working at a desk.

Contact the Verrecchia Clinic

To schedule an appointment, call Bradley Outpatient Services at 401-432-1119.

You will receive a call back from the Verrecchia Clinic for Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities with available appointment times. 

What We Do

Children with developmental conditions experience behavioral and psychiatric issues at up to four times the rate of children without such conditions.

In the Verrecchia Clinic, our goal is to help families learn to prevent behavioral challenges or to intervene when problems occur. We sort through factors that can trigger behavioral health problems, including communication, sensory sensitivity, and medical and learning challenges. Individual and group therapies focus on cognitive behavioral strategies to give children and adolescents the tools to regulate their anxiety, mood, and acting-out behaviors. Visual supports and activities are incorporated in treatment to introduce new concepts and to rehearse skills. We also offer families assistance based on their needs, including education about supporting their child’s use of self-regulation strategies, general behavior management skills, and guidance for the complex process of raising a child with special needs.

Children and adolescents referred to the Verrecchia Clinic program receive treatment for these and other concerns:

  • Aggression
  • Anxiety
  • Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Depression/mood regulation
  • Disruptive behavior
  • Grief and loss reactions
  • Self-injurious behavior

Research and Clinical Trials for Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Several autism-related research program are currently open:

Verrecchia Clinic for Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities Locations