Special Considerations for Donors

The decision to donate or not to donate is a unique one. The only right decision is one that has been well thought-out, has been discussed and supported by those who are significant in the donor's life, and feels comfortable to the person considering donation.

All donor information and test findings are only discussed with the donor. He/she may decide to share that information with others. However, the transplant team is committed to maintaining donor confidentiality.

The recipient's insurance will cover such items as:

  • the cost of all testing
  • the surgery
  • hospitalization
  • follow-up doctor's visits

At times, a donor may, in error, receive a bill. If this should happen, please forward the bill to the transplant office.

The donor is not compensated or reimbursed for items such as:

  • the cost of travel
  • lost wages
  • medicine ordered upon discharge from the hospital

Rhode Island residents may collect temporary disability insurance if eligible based on work history.

Donors must realize that during their recuperation period they will not be able to carry on their normal routine. It is necessary to have support systems in place prior to the scheduled surgery date. The transplant social worker will review your plan with you.

Advantages of living kidney donation