Rhode Island Hospital School of Medical Laboratory Science

About the Rhode Island Hospital School of Medical Laboratory Science

Our Program

The Rhode Island Hospital School of Medical Laboratory Science provides a clinical internship program that is integral in attaining a bachelor of science degree in medical laboratory science. This clinical academic year, as part of a four-year or additional year baccalaureate program, provides the academic and practical experiences necessary to attain entry level competency in the practice field.

The Rhode Island Hospital School of Medical Laboratory Science program is an eleven month internship that begins in June and ends the following May. The program provides students with didactic and clinical rotation experience in the areas of microbiology, hematology, coagulation, urinalysis, chemistry, immunohematology, immunology, and molecular biology. Students with earned degrees in related disciplines are offered an opportunity to complete this year of professional study should a place be available.

Carley Burgess, Medical Technologist Intern Alexa Massey, Medical Technologist Intern School of Medical Technology Rhode Island Hospital 2022

Learn More

For more information about the Rhode Island Hospital School of Medical Laboratory Science or to request a tour of the laboratory, contact the program director at 401-444-5724 or via email at ttelliercastellone@brownhealth.org.

Our Mission

The mission of the Rhode Island Hospital School of Medical Laboratory Science is to provide the highest quality of education and laboratory experience to prepare competent medical laboratory scientists with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are required to meet the changing needs of the profession. We do this by:

  • Instilling critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Promoting the highest degree of professionalism and ethics
  • Emphasizing the importance of leadership roles to be a vital member of a healthcare team

Our Students

Our program exposes students to the necessary experiences to become a competent practicing medical laboratory scientist. Our graduates should be able to:

  • Identify a problem
  • Research relevant information
  • Evaluate the situation
  • Make decisions concerning solutions within the range of their educational and technical understanding

In addition, because medical laboratory scientists are placed in positions of leadership within the laboratory, the school also provides opportunities to develop supervisory and management skills.

Upon completion of the internship, students graduate with a certificate and are eligible to sit for the board of certification given by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP). For additional information, please visit www.ascp.org. The granting of the degree or certificate is not contingent upon the student passing the certification exam.

Learn about applying to the Rhode Island Hospital School of Medical Laboratory Science (PDF)

Sarah Bilda, MLS Senior Medical Technologist, School of Medical Technology Rhode Island Hospital 2022
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Rhode Island Hospital School of Medical Laboratory Science Locations

Rhode Island Hospital School of Medical Laboratory Science