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Patients may benefit from participating in physical therapy in a pool. Water provides buoyancy, which aids patients who have weight-bearing sensitivity or who are unable to tolerate a traditional exercise program.
For more information, or to request referral forms, please call one of our locations.
At our program in Providence, licensed therapists provide individualized, professional and experienced care in a heated SwimEx pool, which generates water resistance to maximize the benefits of physical therapy.
Some of the diagnoses that benefit from aquatic physical therapy are:
The goal of aquatic PT is to allow patients to actively participate in an exercise program to improve function, then transition to a more traditional therapeutic program.
Expand a section below to learn more about aquatic physical therapy.
You do not need to know how to swim but should be comfortable in a pool that ranges in depths up to 5 feet.
Yes. Aquatic therapy is really aquatic physical therapy. It is a skilled service with direct care from a licensed therapist, so your insurer will be billed for physical therapy services.
You need a referral from a doctor to be scheduled for a PT evaluation. After that, you will be oriented to the pool area and scheduled for follow-up visits in aquatic PT.