Medical Simulation Center

Meet SimBaby

SimBaby represents a six-month-old infant, and is designed to prepare trainees for the challenges of pediatric airway management and other emergency medical and critical care scenarios specific to infants.

SimBaby manikin
SimBaby is a high fidelity manikin with fully computerized control and audiovisual interactive capability.

SimBaby's features:

  • Spontaneous respirations, with visible chest excursion, controllable rate, depth, regularity and work of breathing
  • Normal and abnormal breath sounds, including wheezing, rales and stridor
  • A dynamically adjustable airway which supports endotracheal intubation, bag-mask ventilation, laryngeal mask airway placement, tongue swelling and simulation of an unable to intubate scenario
  • Allows invasive procedures such as intraosseous needle insertion, as well as needle and tube thoracostomy placement for pneumothorax
  • Radial, brachial and femoral pulses which are synchronous with the ECG and match systolic blood pressure
  • Supports CPR, defibrillation and electrical cardioversion
  • Multiple IV training sites, with simulated flashback upon cannulation and the ability to administer medications
  • Vocalizations, including grunting, coughing and crying
  • Vital signs, including HR, RR, BP and oxygen saturation, are displayed on a realistic appearing monitor screen at patient bedside