Feeding Program
Hasbro Children's Hospital

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the feeding program?

We are a multidisciplinary team that specializes in evaluating children with feeding problems. Our members include a pediatric gastroenterologist, pediatric nurse practitioner, child psychologist, occupational therapist, speech pathologist and registered dietitian.

How do I schedule an appointment with the feeding team?

If you are already a pediatric gastroenterology (GI) patient, you can ask your GI doctor to make a referral to the feeding team. If you are not a pediatric GI patient, you or your pediatrician can contact the GI office to request a referral to the feeding team. Please call 401-444-0194 to request an appointment.

What happens once the referral is made?

Your GI physician will give you a feeding program intake packet. Please complete the packet and return it to pediatric gastroenterology in the stamped, self-addressed return envelope provided. When the completed packet is received, we will contact you to schedule your child's appointment.

What happens at a feeding team visit?

Your first visit will be with a pediatric gastroenterologist who will gather medical information about your child. In some cases, the doctor may order bloodwork or other tests to explore medical causes for your child's feeding problem.

The next visit will be with the other members of the team. Team members will ask a variety of questions to learn more about your concerns and your child's feeding issues. You will be asked to feed your child during the visit so the team can observe your child during a meal or snack. Families are asked to bring the child's favorite foods, as well as foods they refuse to eat or have difficulty eating.

At the end of the session, the team will meet to develop a feeding plan and recommendations for your child. We will review the plan with you and give you a copy to take home. Follow-up appointments with the appropriate team members will be scheduled as needed.

Can I bring other caregivers or professionals who work with my child to feeding team appointments?

We encourage you to bring anyone involved with your child's feeding to your child's appointments. Early intervention providers and day care providers frequently collaborate with the feeding team.

Where is the feeding team located?

We are located in the lower level of Hasbro Children's Hospital. Upon arrival, take the elevator to "LL" and follow the green squares to the gastroenterology clinic desk where you can check in.