COBRE Center for Antimicrobial Resistance and Therapeutic Discovery
The Miriam Hospital

Biorepository Core

The Biorepository Core for the Cobre Center for Antimicrobial Resistance and Therapeutic Discovery (CARTD) is a source of well-characterized clinical isolates. Clinical isolates are microorganisms isolated from human specimens from which an infectious disease process is suspected. These microorganisms are essential for translational research projects focusing on antimicrobial drug resistance and therapeutic discovery.

The primary services of the biorepository core include:

  1. Procurement, storage, tracking and release of clinical isolates
  2. Confirmation of microorganism identification
  3. Genotypic / phenotypic resistance profiling

Biorepository Core Team

Core Director

Evgeny Yakirevich, MD

[email protected]

Core Co-Director


[email protected]