Alzheimer's Disease & Memory Disorders Center
Rhode Island Hospital

Daily Rituals for a Healthy Brain

As we age, the body changes in many ways. The same is true for the brain. While fine lines and wrinkles or joint pain and body aches can be obvious, the aging that happens to the brain can be more subtle, sometimes with very few noticeable signs or symptoms.

The brain controls many aspects of thinking – remembering, planning, organizing, and decision making. These cognitive abilities influence how well we can complete everyday tasks and whether we can live alone safely.

older couple

RI Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention Registry

One of the biggest hurdles to finding effective prevention strategies for Alzheimer’s Disease is finding volunteers to participate in current and planned clinical studies. Find out about the Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention Registry and whether you meet the qualifications for current and planned studies. 

What’s Normal and What’s Not

While signs of aging are natural, it’s important to understand the difference between normal and worrisome brain aging. 

Some changes are common for people as they get older. For example, some older adults may experience:

•    Slower recall with names 

•    Problems multitasking

•    Decreased ability to concentrate

However, other signs may indicate something beyond normal aging. Common signs may include:

•    Frequently struggling to find words

•    Becoming lost while in familiar places

•    Requiring assistance with routine activities, for example, keeping track of daily medications

In recent years there has been evidence that certain activities associated with being heart-healthy are also good for brain health. Things like maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, and getting daily exercise go a long way in promoting better brain and heart health.

older man painting

Alzheimer’s Disease & Memory Disorders Research

Important and innovative research studies are ongoing and continue to explore potential new advances for Alzheimer’s Disease and other degenerative memory disorders. For more information, call 1-844-563-6679 or email [email protected].

Additionally, things like reducing stress and anxiety, getting a good night’s sleep, successfully managing underlying health conditions, learning new things, and staying social have been shown to improve healthy brain activity.

While physical exercise can help your brain stay healthy, mental exercise often referred to as “brain training,” is equally important. New studies suggest that brain training has helped older adults remain mentally sharper for an additional 10 years.

When combining all these habits, you will achieve the maximum benefit for both your brain and body. However, before making drastic changes to your lifestyle, first, make sure it is safe for you and that you’re communicating with your health care provider.

If you are having cognitive concerns and are worried about your memory, speak with your primary care provider. They can assess your symptoms and refer you to a neurologist.

Meet the Alzheimer's Disease & Memory Disorders Center Team