Adult Partial Hospital Programs

Intensive, Short-Term Psychiatric Treatment for Adults

Adult partial hospital programs at Rhode Island and Newport hospitals provide intensive, short-term treatment designed for individuals with acute psychiatric concerns. After completing a day of treatment, individuals return home for the evening. This minimizes disruption to their daily routines, maintains uninterrupted support of family and friends, and facilitates learning by encouraging immediate practice of newly acquired skills.

We believe that patients should have ample opportunity to speak with a specialist; therefore, patients are seen for individual sessions every day.

Partial Hospital Services for Children and Adolescents

Unique and specialized partial hospital services for children and adolescents are also provided at Lifespan hospitals.  Learn more

Learn about our-non discrimination policy

Teen in bedroom laying on bed and looking at laptop

Virtual Telehealth Program

The Rhode Island Hospital and Newport Hospital adult partial hospital programs are committed to providing high-quality care via a virtual program. Our virtual programs have proven to offer the same level of patient satisfaction and effectiveness.

Adult Partial Hospital Program Locations