Smoking Cessation Counseling

You may wonder why behavioral treatment to quit smoking is important when there are smoking cessation medications (e.g., Zyban, Chantix) and nicotine replacement products (nicotine patch, lozenges, inhalers) available. Behavioral strategies may be helpful because smoking is integrated into many aspects of a smoker’s life. Cigarette smoking is used to relieve stress or take a break from work. Smoking is often coupled with drinking coffee or alcohol. Perhaps the most important reason is that many smokers have tried to quit several times and may want to do everything possible to make the next quit attempt successful.

Ernestine Jennings, PhD, Discusses Smoking Cessation

Meet Your Pre-Surgery Goals

Quitting smoking enhances your ability to heal after surgery, among many other benefits.

Learn more by calling 401-793-8770.

Who Might Benefit?

Many smokers may benefit from smoking cessation counseling. When smokers try to quit without medication or counseling, 4% to 6% will succeed. Research shows that those who get face-to-face counseling along with nicotine-replacement therapy or smoking cessation medication can quadruple that success rate.

What Should I Expect from My First Visit with a Psychologist?

The psychologist wants to understand how smoking is a part of your life. You will be asked questions about the history of your smoking. There will be questions about past quit attempts. There will be a focus on why you think it is important to quit smoking now. The provider may ask you to fill out some questionnaires in advance to best understand you.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) teaches you how to recognize and cope with factors in your life that may contribute to your smoking. It helps to understand how thoughts and behaviors affect your smoking and how to modify them for successful smoking cessation. You and the psychologist will set specific treatment goals together. Treatment may focus on any or all of the following:

  • Managing Triggers and Urges to Smoke
  • Nicotine Fading
  • Relaxation Strategies and Stress Management Techniques
  • Modifying Thoughts to Make Them More Beneficial to Quitting
  • Getting Social Support for Quitting
  • Education on Various Smoking Cessation Medications and Nicotine Replacement Products
  • Relapse Prevention

Make an Appointment

Behavioral treatment is meant to empower you to act in your own best interests. If you are ready to approach the smoking cessation in a new way, pursue behavioral treatment by calling 401-793-8770.