Brian S. Beaudry, MSW, LICSW, LCDP

Brian S. Beaudry, MSW, LICSW, LCDP

Clinical Medicine Social Worker

Brian S. Beaudry, MSW, LICSW, LCDP, is an addiction medicine social worker with the Rhode Island Hospital inpatient addiction medicine consultation service.

Throughout his decades-long career, Beaudry has used his training and experience in psychiatric processes and addiction medicine to help train future clinical social workers through his roles as a mentor and advisor at Simmons College, Rhode Island College, and Boston University. One of the committee founders of the addiction medicine fellowship at Brown University, he serves there as a clinical site supervisor and clinical site educator.

He earned master of social work degree from Simmons College and is a licensed chemical dependency practitioner and a licensed independent clinical social worker. 

An award-winning caregiver for his contributions to the field, Beaudry is a frequent guest lecturer and trainer to college students and professionals, and speaks on current trends and treatments in substance use and addiction medicine.