Genitourinary Multidisciplinary Clinic

Comprehensive Genitourinary Treatment

The Genitourinary Multidisciplinary Clinic, a program of the Brown University Health Cancer Institute, is entirely dedicated to the compassionate care of patients with urologic malignancies. Our program is certified by the Quality Oncology Practice Initiative and accredited by the prestigious Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons.

Collectively, genitourinary cancers, particularly prostate and bladder cancer, are among the most common form of malignancies, affecting nearly half a million Americans each year. We take a team-based, comprehensive approach, bringing together nationally recognized leaders in the treatment and research of these diseases throughout all phases of the patient’s illness.

At diagnosis, our patients come in for one visit and see physicians in all disciplines, including surgical oncology, medical oncology, diagnostic imaging, critical care medicine, radiation oncology and palliative care. After this initial visit, our team meets with the patient to present a recommended plan of care. Our experienced staff coordinates treatment, as well as all necessary follow-up and rehabilitation, so that patients can focus all their energies on recovery. 

Contact the Brown University Health Cancer Institute

To learn more or schedule an appointment, please call 1-844-222-2881.

Learn more about the Brown University Health Cancer Institute

Two women in kitchen laughing and gesturing to camera

Symptoms of Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer develops when cells change (mutate) and begin growing uncontrollably. In time, they form a tumor.

Man in striped shirt looking at camera outdoors with building in background

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in America. One out of nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime.

Genitourinary Multidisciplinary Clinic Locations

Genitourinary Multidisciplinary Clinic, The Miriam Hospital

Norman & Rosalie Fain Health Centers (The Fain Building) at The Miriam Hospital
140 Summit Ave, 3rd Floor
Providence, RI 02906 Get Directions

Rhode Island Hospital Main Building/Zecchino Pavillion
593 Eddy Street, Main Building
Providence, RI 02903 Get Directions