Hasbro Children's
Hasbro Children's
593 Eddy Street
Providence, RI 02903 Get Directions
Phone: 401-444-4000

Your Child's Stay at Hasbro Children's

Helping Your Child Adjust to a Hospital Stay

We encourage you to be honest with your child about staying in the hospital. Explain why the hospital visit is necessary and what your child should expect. Let your child know that you will be there whenever you can and that the hospital staff is kind and caring.

To help your child, you can talk about some of the fun, everyday activities available at the hospital, including the playrooms, games, arts and crafts, special programming, and hospital school. If you have other children at home, they may worry about their sibling’s hospital stay.

Be sure they also understand what is happening, and let them know they are welcome to visit most units. If you plan to bring a child under the age of five, please talk to your child’s nurse before bringing them in, and please be aware that children under 16 will need permission to visit a sibling in the pediatric intensive care unit.

Accommodations for Parents

We understand your desire to be with your child, and encourage your participation in your child’s care.

Parents are welcome to stay with their child 24 hours a day. Your child’s room accommodates one parent, with a chair and/or couch that converts to a single bed.

Patient/ Parent Bracelets

To ensure your child’s safety, he or she must wear an identification bracelet at all times during the hospital stay. This bracelet contains important information and must not be removed until your child leaves the hospital. The bracelet must also be worn and scanned for your child to receive medications. We may need to gently disturb your child during the night to scan the bracelet before administering medication.

Every patient’s parent or guardian must also wear an identification bracelet. If you enter the hospital after 8 p.m., you will need to enter through the emergency department and show your bracelet to security staff, who will let you through. All other doors will be locked.

For your child’s protection, you must provide the last two digits of your child’s medical record number, located on your bracelet, before any information about your child can be released over the telephone.

Please wear the bracelet until your child leaves the hospital.

General Pediatric Units

Pods (A, B, and C)

Patient floors are divided into three “pods." Each pod has eight rooms with a nursing station at the center, so that nurses have a clear view into each room and are always available to you and your child. There are well-stocked playrooms on two of the floors, staffed at different times by child life specialists.

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

Our pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) includes two suites of eight rooms each, located around a central nursing station. Glass walls allow nursing staff to see all patients, but curtains can be drawn to offer privacy for children and parents.

Parents of children in the PICU are welcome to stay overnight, and we provide bedside sleeping accommodations. There are no bedside phones in the PICU rooms. The PICU family waiting area includes a kitchenette, bathroom and shower, a private consultation room, a phone, and couches where you can rest.

To request entrance into the PICU, please use the telephone located on the right side of the double doors.


While staying in the hospital, please do not give your child any medication, even medication that he or she had been taking at home, including prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, vitamins and herbal remedies.

All medicine taken in the hospital is prescribed by your child’s doctor, prepared by registered pharmacists and administered by our nursing staff. It is important that only our staff members administer all medications here in the hospital.

Personal Items

While your child is staying with us, we will provide pajamas, slippers, a toothbrush, and toothpaste. If your child feels more comfortable in his or her own nightclothes or wants to use a toothbrush from home, you may bring them. We encourage you to bring a favorite blanket, stuffed animal, doll, or other personal item for your child. These special reminders of home are very comforting to children.

Guides for Adolescent Patients and Their Families