It’s that time of year when we want to get out and enjoy this favorite of seasons and all that summer offers. From vacations and sun-filled days at the beach to backyard barbecues, the dog days of summer offer fun, relaxation, and unfortunately, some threats to your health and safety.

Here are some great tips to help you and your family survive summer safely and get the most out of this wonderful time of year. Check out these popular summertime topics from our Be Well health and wellness blog.

Eat your way to beautiful, healthy skin

This time of year is filled with delicious treats that we associate with the warm, sun-filled days of summer. Be sure to eat seasonal nutritious foods such as watermelon that not only taste great but will help you look and feel your best too! Check out 12 Foods of Summer for Your Skin.

Understanding SPF and how to protect your skin

With so many sunscreens on the market, and terms like free radicals, SPF, and broad-spectrum, knowing which one is right for you can be a mystery! But we’ve taken all the guesswork out of it for you. Be an informed consumer and know how to prevent skin cancer with this post on Sunscreens and the Facts About Protecting Your Skin.

Children need special care in the heat

Let your children enjoy this special time of year, while keeping them safe! Children are especially at risk for heat-related illnesses like heat stroke. Learn the signs of dehydration and heat stroke, what to watch for, and what to do if your child shows warning signs in Keeping Kids Cool and Safe This Summer.

Seniors are also vulnerable to the heat

Like children, seniors are more susceptible to dehydration and heat-related illnesses. Help older family members keep cool and avoid heat stroke, heat rash, sunburn and more in How Seniors Can Stay Safe in Summer.

Fire up the grill

Nothing says summer like a grilled meal. Unfortunately, something commonly used to clean grills is causing serious problems that require medical attention and even surgery. Learn how to keep your friends and family safe for your next barbecue in The Dangers of Wire Grill Brushes

Stick to a schedule

While your children may enjoy the free time that summer offers, keeping a structure and sense of routine for your child’s days is actually good for them. Check out Summer Schedules and Why Children Need Them to help your kids truly enjoy this special season. 

Don’t let these bugs take a bite out of your summer

With ticks on the rise, it’s important to understand their threat and how to protect yourself and your family from tick-borne illness. Learn more in Lyme Disease Cause, Signs and Treatment

Brown University Health Blog Team

The Brown University Health Blog Team is working to provide you with timely and pertinent information that will help keep you and your family happy and healthy.