The modern social and academic demands of the world can be difficult for young adults. For those with a mental illness, it can be even more challenging.

Young adults typically experience a period of change and transition between the ages of 18 and 26. Leaving high school, beginning college, or entering the workforce can be challenging and emotional life chapters. 

In addition, this time of life is one in which mental illnesses are usually diagnosed, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. It is estimated that one in four college students has a diagnosable mental illness. The most common mental health issues include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts.

The impact of feeling overwhelmed for young adults

Facing this transitional period can be difficult enough. Combining this with a mental illness can even lead to:

  • Trouble focusing
  • Poor academic performance in school
  • Social detachment
  • Sleep problems
  • Decreased functioning

For some, mental illness and these difficulties can even take their life. In fact, suicide is the second leading cause of death in youth between the ages of 15 and 24.

Unfortunately, a mental health stigma remains, which can prevent people from seeking needed psychiatric treatment. This stigma is one of the reasons why 40 percent of those suffering with a mental illness avoid professional help. Fortunately, many students, clinicians, and organizations are trying to raise mental health awareness and bring an end to the stigma.

How to get help if you are feeling overwhelmed

If you or someone you know are having a mental health emergency, call or text 988 to connect to the National Suicide and Crisis Hotline. In Rhode Island, you can also contact BH Link.  

Sometimes it feels easier to talk to a trusted friend or family member about your feelings. This can be a great option to get started by giving you a space you feel comfortable discussing some uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. 

If talking to someone you know feels like too much, you're not alone. Or you may notice that your feelings are more intense and may need prescribed medication to help manage. In that case, reaching out to a licensed mental health professional allows you to get your feelings out in a safe setting. 

Lifespan’s Young Adult Outpatient Psychiatry was specifically established to address the unique challenges faced by today’s young adults. Our center is composed of psychiatrists and therapists who are trained to help this group overcome the mental health hurdles of adulthood.

Our comprehensive program helps 18- to 26-year-olds lead more productive lives, even with a psychiatric illness. We’re dedicated to developing innovative mental health service models, outreach, and advocacy to benefit young adults and their families.

For more information on our program, visit our website, or call us at 401-793-8808 for the Providence location, or 401-606-4415 for the East Greenwich location. 

Meesha Ahuja, MD

Dr. Meesha Ahuja is a psychiatrist with the Young Adult Outpatient Psychiatry program. She is passionate about working with young adults and enjoys treating a wide variety of psychiatric illnesses.