Partial Hospitalization Programs for Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
Bradley Hospital

Admission to the Intensive Program for OCD

The Intensive Program for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be an effective care option for youth who have not responded to traditional outpatient treatment or who lack specialized OCD services where they live. Significant impact on children may include, but is not limited to, school avoidance, withdrawal from family/friends, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, and problems eating, sleeping, and bathing. 

Contact the Intensive Program for OCD.

Contact the Intensive Program for OCD

For additional information about the Intensive Program for OCD, call 401-432-1516.

Program Eligibility

For youth to participate in the program, they must:

  • Be between 5 and 18 years old

  • Not need 24-hour medical supervision 

  • Be willing and able to maintain safe behavior during treatment

  • Along with his or her caretaker(s), be committed to participating in all phases of treatment

People looking at artwork posted on a fence

Reconnecting at the OCD Program Reunion

Families and former patients browse the photo wall at Bradley's annual OCD Program Reunion.

See more photos from the day


The Intensive Program for OCD accepts several major insurance plans. Each insurance agreement is different and coverage may vary depending on services provided. Our staff works with you to determine what services will be covered under your child’s insurance benefits.

Contact Us

Bradley Hospital

1011 Veterans Memorial Parkway East Providence, RI, 02915


Find out more about The Intensive Program for OCD