4-Safety Car Seat Program

The Injury Prevention Center at Hasbro Children’s 4-Safety program is a partnership with the Rhode Island Department of Transportation that provides education about car seat safety as well as provides safety seat checks at various locations throughout Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts. 

In 2008, the Injury Prevention Center was designated as the lead agency of the Rhode Island Coalition of Safe Kids Worldwide. Safe Kids Worldwide is a global nonprofit organization working to help prevent childhood injuries.

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Safe Kids RI logo
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How the Program Can Help You

Certified child passenger safety technicians (CPSTs) from the Injury Prevention Center teach parents how to properly install car seats in their vehicles. Qualifying low income families may be eligible to receive a car seat for their child. Learn more:

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Mom and children outside of car

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Child Traffic Fatality Facts

Did you know?

  • In 2022, more than three children aged 14 and under were killed daily in traffic crashes in the United States. (Source: NHTSA gov)
  • 37 percent of children aged 7-11 killed in a car crash were completely unrestrained. (Source: CPS board)
  • 26 percent of children aged 0-3 who were killed were unrestrained. (Source: NHTSA gov)
  • Motor vehicle crashes remain a leading cause of death for children. A total of 859 children younger than 13 died in motor vehicle crashes in 2022; almost three-quarters of these deaths were children riding in passenger vehicles. (Source: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)
  • The number of child passenger deaths has declined by more than half since 1975. The rate of child passenger deaths per million children also has fallen dramatically to 11.9 deaths per million children in 2022, a 61 percent reduction from 1975. (Source: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)
  • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that child safety seats saved 408 lives in 2019 and an estimated 13,217 lives from 1968 to 2019. (Source: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)
  • In 2021 half (50 percent) of the 26,325 fatally injured passenger vehicle occupants with known restraint use were unrestrained (NCSA, 2023b). Of the 863 children under 15 who died in passenger vehicles in 2021 some 40 percent were unrestrained (NCSA, 2023b). (Source: NHTSA)